This site is dedicated to all the true hippies of the world. It wants to spread the heritage and mentality of the sixties era until now, where neohippies bring back the vogue and colors of that peaceful and idealistic international movement. The site is continuously under construction and will be kept up-to-date in a very hippie style. Dig it!
real indian tipi Real Indian tipi's are the best way to find comfort in nature, with a warm and spacy inside
More info: see the Ruigoord site

hash puch oldstyle moped, runs 40 km with only one liter of gas. Chopper-look with 'floating-saddle'.
Price: countless

more to come..... if you know some more hippie-sites, -places, artists, and other things that remind you of this mighty consciousness-expanding era, let me know! email to Bas Vossen

If you can help me with locations of relaxed campings, clubs, festivals,
like christiania, ruigoord etc, you can send them to my yahoo account or my hotmail reserve account.
Then I will put them in my site, with links under 'what is hip?'
I prefer music, painting, sculpture, theatre, books, movies, mopeds, motors
